Tag archives: Top results
TOP Results 02/03 weekend. September 2017…
Tönsmeyer, Manfred & Theresa – Verl (D) 03.09.2017 Dudelange (319 km) FG 2146 Jungtb. 8-12-19-32-34a-34b-37-38a-38b-41-57-60-69, etc. (60/113) Poortvliet Jacob, Surhuizum (NL) 02.09.2017 Morlincourt (459 km) section 7574 Young 53-222-309-558-568-602-612-631-652-654-798-883-937-1033-1624-1660-1819-2018- 2145-2185-2193 (21 / 33TB.) 02 / 09/2017 Gennep (169 km) section 15731 juveniles&Alttauben 167-181-185-335-435-622-767-772-839-1333-1486-1503-1504-1523-1548-1561-1613- 1869-2409-2410-2411-2528-2658-2663-2852-2935-2964-3021-3364-3646-3728-3801-4 469 (33/36Tb.) Kersting & sons – Attendorn…
TOP Results 26/27 weekend. August 2017…
Muhl, Reinhard – Groningen (D) 27.08.2017 Fürstenwalde (208 km) RV 1139 Jungtb. 1-5-5-22-25-27-28-29-31-32-33-34-45-47-48-48-50-52-68-69-76-77-78-95-99- 123-141- 143-147-157, etc. (51/64) SG Kallen, Hermann &Philipp – Moers (D) 19.08.2017 Bad Camberg (169 km) RegV. 3.485 Jungtb. 1-2-3-4-5-5-7-7-9-10-11-12-13-16-18-20-22-23-24-26-27-27-29-30-32-34-35-36-37-38- 39-42-47-48-50 usw. (96/110) 26.08.2017 Bad Vilbel (201 km) RegV. 3.261 Jungtb. 2-3-4-10-11-12-13-13-15-15-17-17-17-17-22-23-24-29-30-30-32-33-34-35-36-43-44- 45-46-48 usw. (86/111)…
TOP Results 18/19 weekend. August 2017…
Herbots Gebr. J. & R. Dormaal (B) 19.08.17 490 Chevrainvillers boy 6,7,20,27,29,30,39,42,43,44,45 338 km,…. 29/80 1st SUPER YEARLING X DTR F 16 8/20/17 Momignies 329 boy 108 km 1,4,6,8,9,15,16,17,18,24 29 ….. 24/48 1st 100% Gaby VD Abeele Tönsmeyer, Manfred & Theresa – Verl (D) 19.08.2017 Dreis-Brück (215…
TOP Results 12/13 weekend. August 2017…
Mühling Markus (D) Travel Association Plettenberg 1. Flights youngsters on August 13, 2017. Brakel 101 km, 951 pigeons 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 5th, 5th, 8th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 12th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 20th, 22nd, 22nd, 24th, 24th, 26th , 26th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 32nd, 33rd, 34th, 35th, 36th, 62nd, 63rd, 65th, 66th, 67th, 67th, 76th, 76 ., 80., 83., 83., 86., 90., 90., 92., 92., 95th, etc. 84 pigeons set - 74 Prices Team Zumdiek Juergen & Rolf, Harsewinkel (D) 13.08.2017: RV 1.078 birds 90 km: 46-54-56-57-60-62-64-66-67-68-70-73-… etc. (54/26) Elkemann Frank & Josef (D)…
TOP Results 29/30 weekend. July 2017…
Luc Van Mechelen, Turnhout (B) 07.29.2017 Chevrainvilliers (384 km) Union 421 Jährige 3-6-7-9-16-17-18-19-20-26-34-37-54-55 -57-63-81-83-85-98-120-127-139 (23 / 29Tb.) Mager & Bungert Wesseling (D) 29/7/17 flight from Amstetten 639km (440 pigeons) 38/21 55.3% 3,4,5,10,12,19,25,28,30,31,35,36,37,40 .. bankruptcies Goldmedaillenerringer Krüger, Hardy – Rommerskirchen (D) 29/07/2017 Vivonne (700 km) RV 201 Alttb. 1-7-8-9-15-16-23 etc. …
Top Ergebnisse Wochenende 22./23. Juli 2017…
Muhl, Reinhardt – Groningen (D) 24.07.2017 Fürstenwalde (208 km) RV 845 Alttb. 3-4-6-7-8-9-10-11-18-49-50-51-54-69-72 etc. (17/27) Müller, Tim & Uwe – Lanz Home (D) 23.07.2017 Plattling (318 km) FG Group 1663 Alttb. 1-4-5-8-9-12-18-25-26-29-30-35-36-61 etc. (21/26) Kallen, Hermann & Philipp – Moers (D) 22.07.2017 Ried (607 km) RV 420 Alttb. 1-7-11-34-45…
TOP Results 15/16 weekend. July 2017…
SG Fuchs & Wolf (D) Arcis sur Aube, 15/07/2017 Distance (in km) 568 number of pigeons, who participated in the Flight FG: 1338 RegG: 2199 Reg: 3932 category (old, years, boy) Old + years Number of you 76 pigeons number of prizes won FG: 57 RegG: 55 Reg: 65 prices attained (eg 1-2-3) FG: 1-2-3-6-7-8-9-16-18-19-22- 24-24-29-31-32-44-45-47-51-54-55-62-67-67-69-71-80-85-87-91-…
TOP Results 08/09 weekend. July 2017 ...
Roland SG & Denis Faber – Hamburg (D) 10.07.17 Auflassort: Bydgoszcz Entfernung: 528 km RV Anzahl der aufgelassenen Tauben: 906 Anzahl der von uns gesetzten Tauben: 72 Anzahl der errungenen Platzierungen: 43 Kategorie: Alte Errungene Platzierungen: 3.,8.,10.,14.,17.,18.,36.,58.,60.,78.,79.,83.,83.,85.,85.,85.,88.,89.,91.,usw. (59,72%) Luc van Mechelen (B) 08/07/17 Chevrainvilliers 384 km HAFO Turnhout 566 jaarse : 1-4-6-7-11-13-16-22-23-31-37-41-46-48-66-81-83-93-94…
TOP Results 01/02 weekend. July 2017…
Poortvliet Jacob, Surhuizum (NL) 07/01/2017 Spruce (168 km) Abteilung 7420 Alte 45-71-99-124-150-348-384-386-415-475-537-551-1322-1436-1635- 1765 (16 / 20TB.) Dautzenberg Leon – Kerkrade (NL) PROVINCIAL GIEN 5502 DOVES. 13-14-88-102-109-117-127-133-135-346-391-432-443-523-587-598-632-633-650-706-743-756-822- 913-936- 1007-186-1099-1126-1155 30/55 Hardy Krüger – Rommerskirchen (D) Pithiviers 03/07/2017 Distance (in km) 453 km Number of abandoned Pigeons 370 Pigeons number of set you deaf…
TOP Results 24/25 weekend. June 2017…
SG Hermann Philip Cullen – Moers 06.17.2017 Straubing (509 km) FG 1731 Alttb. 10-11-12-15-16-21-30-36-36-39-39-47-52-55-60-80-88-89-92 etc. (46/60) 24/06/2017 Höchstadt (351 km) FG 1803 Alttb. 1-2-3-7-9-18-26-27-29-32-34-35-36-40-41-55 etc. (52/64) Muhl, Reinhardt – Groningen 06/24/2017 Swiebodzin (300 km) RV 1527 Alttb. 1-2-8-20-21-22-33-66-71-92-109-110-112-120-123-128-180-196 etc. (26/34) SG Slept & Stiens – Oelde…