Tag archives: Vanrobaeys Pharma
Vanrobaeys News…
The weekend went quite well and evenly on both the east and westbound flights, due to the good conditions. The RV Rohrbach from Langres with a distance of around 250 km can be considered as an “outbound traveler”. Here the first pigeon achieved a flight distance of 2,389.665…
Vanrobaeys News…
The weekend again brought very good results for Vanrobaeys customers at the races taking place. In Belgium there is now an increasing trend towards medium-haul flights and the first flights have been completed in Germany. In Germany it was mostly closed on Saturday and the bankruptcy periods were in the south-west,…
Vanrobaeys News…
The travel season has started in Belgium as well as in Germany, despite the known restrictions and the first flights mostly went quite smoothly. Here are some excerpts: Belgium Willy Stenaerts, Lummen - Regio Limburg 24.4.2021 - Witpen Lummen - from Soissons - 230 km 436 Oude + Jaarse - 1st…
Bosmans-Leekens - 1. National gegen 15,322 Jungtauben ab Chateauroux 2020…
In Belgium it is the dream of every fancier to win a national race one day, because then you are “on top” and one of the great champions in the home country of the pigeon sport. But if you already have the third national victory in your career, then you will be in the “Best…
GLUTEN FREE – Für die Gesundheit Ihrer Athleten Der Grundgedanke war im Besonderen, auf belastende Einzelsaaten zu verzichten, die mit Promaline/Galdine/Gluten behaftet sind. Bei Promaline/Gladine, besser bekannt unter dem Begriff Gluten, handelt es sich um einen Sammelbegriff für ein Stoffgemisch aus Proteinen, das im Samen einzelner Arten von Getreide vorkommt…
In cooperation with the veteran of the German pigeon sport, Günter Nies from Urbar, the VANROBAEYS OLYMPIC MIXTURES were designed and extensively tested with great success!
HYP 100 – a unique relaxation and energy drink…
The energy source in combination with electrolytes, amino acids, vitamins and minerals offers the following advantages: THE BENEFITS FOR YOUR PIGEONS 1. Faster recovery after the flight through perfect moisture absorption 2. Increased resistance relieves thirst during the flights 3. Support of the digestive system after exertion and stress through a perfect…
VANROBAEYS Superstars 2020 – Final results…
The “VANROBAEYS Superstars” competition was announced for the 6th time in 2020 and the final * winners have been determined. . The tender is national for German pigeon breeders. (* The judges' decision is final. The participants recognize the conditions and decisions of the organizer. Complaints can be made in writing until November 10, 2020…
Extension of the deadline – VANROBAEYS Superstars 2020 – apply here by October 15, 2020…
Announcement Due to the special circumstances of the travel year 2020, the application deadline will be extended to October 15, 2020 !!! VANROBAEYS SUPERSTARS 2020 The “VANROBAEYS Superstars” competition will be held for the 6th time in 2020. This year, too, the conditions of participation for 2019 will apply. The tender is…
VANROBAEYS currently 2020…
The last national flight for this year took place in Belgium this weekend. The aim of the total of 1,707 breeders from the individual regions of our neighboring country who took part in this flight was to complete this flight victoriously. Then also 2,721 Oude + 15,322 young birds were brought to the start. This means one…