Dr. Boskamp – pigeonvetcenter, Beek


Screenshot 2014-03-21 at 14:55:54


pigeonvetcenter / Veterinary Center Beek
Julianalaan 7a
6191 AL – Netherlands


How to reach us


Tel: 0031 46 437 1885
Fax: 0031 46 436 0346


Info@pigeonvetcenter.com www.pigeonvetcenter.com


Office hours:


Mon-Fri: 09:00 09:30; 13:00 13:30; 18:00 19:00

SA: 11:00 12:00


Office hours vet P. Boskamp:
Mo: 14.00 – 16:00 and by appointment


We are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week available for emergencies.

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