BE-13-5024923 "Charlotte"

BE-13-5024923 “Charlotte”



8 zone C1 Bourges 5777 pigeons
14. Zone C1 Argenton 4944 pigeons
16 zone C1 Bourges 2980 pigeons
18 NAT. Argenton 27.267 pigeons
22 zone C1 Montluçon 2268 pigeons
27th NAT. Bourges 30.180 pigeons
27 Zone C1 Tours 3455 pigeons
28 zone C1 Montluçon 4020 pigeons
29 zone C1 Bourges 5144 pigeons
31 zone C1 Bourges 4977 pigeons
35. NAT. Bourges 10.141 pigeons
39. zone C1 la Souterraine 2132 pigeons
40. NAT. Châteauroux 5884 pigeons
41. zone C1 Argenton 4944 pigeons
43. NAT. Bourges 24.019 pigeons
44. zone C1 Chateauroux 3844 pigeons
48. Zone C1 Chateauroux 1713 pigeons
50th NAT. Bourges 22.663 pigeons
54. zone C1 la Souterraine 2132 pigeons
57. Zone C1 Chateauroux 3972 pigeons
61. NAT. Argenton 27.267 pigeons
88-NAT. Tours 24.097 pigeons
92e NAT. Châteauroux 5884 pigeons
94 zone C1 Poitiers 1443 pigeons


A special AS the strike is the female "BLUE AS". It is fantastic what has won this exceptional female 2012 and 2013 over the years.

It gains no less than 5 x 1st prize and the following AS-pigeon title.

  1. Provincial AS pigeon halve Fund of youngsters KBDB Limburg 2012
  2. AS national Taubef halve Fund of youngsters KBDB 2012
  3. Halve AS pigeon Fund yearlings Obrafo 2013
  4. Int.Prov AS pigeon halve Fund year-old Petit Club Fleurus 2013
  5. Halve national AS Dove Fund yearlings KBDB 2013

Today this exceptional pigeon sitting on the breeding loft.


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