
  • TOP results 2024...

    TOP results 2024…

    These are the top results from the weekend 05/18/024 and 05/20/2024. Perrotta, Guiseppe – Bad Rappenau May 18, 2024 Bar le Duc (299 km) RV 432 pigeons 1-2-3-12-17-18-24 etc. (22/26) Faber, Roland and Denis – Hamburg 05/18/2024 Strasburg (240 km) TG 2,881 pigeons 8-9-19-21-21-23-24-24-37-37-42-43-45-59-60-62-63-64-66- 67-70-73-97-99- 101-101-103-121-125-127-129-170-171-212-219-228-260-261-263-265 etc. (70/74)!! !!!!! May 18, 2024 Strasburg (240 km) RV…

  • SG FABER - A power in the north...

    SG FABER – A power in the north…

    How did 2023 go from your perspective? “All preliminary flights and the first six prize flights went smoothly. The long-lasting phase with easterly winds led to easy flight paths with high flight speeds, short bankruptcy times and hardly any losses. However, the number of sets decreased sharply after the difficult 7th prize flight. This is ours…

  • TOP results 2024...

    TOP results 2024…

    These are the top results from the weekend 11.05.024 and 12.05.2024. Stolorz, Norbert – Herne 05/12/2024 Key field (312 km) RV 1,093 pigeons 25-27-28-29-30-35-37-55-56-58-60-62-63-63 etc. (39/77) Faber, Roland and Denis – Hamburg 05/12/2024 Neubrandenburg (211 km) FG 1,830 pigeons 2-3-3-5-7-8-8-10-11-12-17-22-24-25-26-26-26-29-29- 31-33-39-39-41-42-43-46-49-49-52-55-57-59- 112-115-116-118-118-118-121-123-124-126-128- 133-139-141-141-146-146-146-150-151-153-157-160 etc. (68/79) 05/12/2024 Neubrandenburg (211 km) RV 365 yearlings 1-2-2-4-5 -6-6-8-9-10-11-12-17-22-23-23-26-27-37-38-39-40-44-45-46-46-48-51-54-63 -71-98-99 etc.…

  • MIFUMA Protein-Power...

    MIFUMA Protein-Power…

    Feed your pigeons an extra portion of protein. Mifuma Protein-Power with the red and yellow power peas in combination with toasted soybeans offers easily digestible components of the highest usability and is our top mixture for supplying your racing pigeons with protein. When traveling, it is recommended as a protein-rich building food in the days after…

  • In MAY 2024 – by Dr. Peter Boskamp...

    In MAY 2024 – by Dr. Peter Boskamp...

    E.Coli (Escherichia Coli) There are a number of bacteria in pigeons that can cause illness, but do not do so in all circumstances. We call these bacteria: facultative pathogenic bacteria. In principle they can lead to illness and sometimes even death, but this only happens if the conditions for the bacteria…

  • TOP results 2024...

    TOP results 2024…

    These are the top results from the weekend 05/04/024 and 05/05/2024. Giuseppe Perrotta – Bad Rappenau 05.05.2024 Luneville 214 km 488 pigeons (26/16) Norbert Stolorz, RV Herne-Wanne 05.05.24 Wertheim (257 km) against Pigeons in the RV, 3,209 in the FG and 5,231 in the RegV1.,4.,5.,7.,8.,9.,10.,11.,12.,16.,18.,21.,22.,30. ,…(RV) (82/51)1.,10.,11.,17.,19.,22.,23.,24.,31.,37.,…(FG) 1.,16.,17.,24.,28.,32.,33.,34.,41.,48.,…(RegV) Roland and…

  • New racing pigeon championship: Mifuma Cup

    New racing pigeon championship: Mifuma Cup

    New racing pigeon championship: Mifuma Cup Mischfutter Werke Mannheim GmbH is introducing its own new racing pigeon championship in collaboration with This competition is open free of charge to all breeders who are organized in the Association of German Racing Pigeon Breeders. To do this, submit your results to the product manager for racing pigeon food, Robert Maaß, at the end of the traveling season. The…

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