


Once upon a time, there were two brothers who started to play with the pigeons. This could be the beginning of a fairy tale if it wasn’t a true story. In 1955, two brothers – Jos (breeder) and Filip (player) Herbots, at the age of 12 and 10 years – started a pigeon career, which would become one of the best known all over the world. It wasn’t an exception that these brothers started to race the pigeons because the whole family was infected by the virus. Now, after 69 years and many titles and victories later, the ambitions of Filip (his brother Jos died in 2010), still are what they were in those days. Witness here is the title of 1e Nat. Ace-pigeon Little Middle Distance Yrl. 2013 with Belgian Star (BE12-6123310). One of the many titles on their imposing prize list.



When you think that their success was a gift, you’re completely wrong. Filip and Jos both had to work very hard to get to the top. It all started in ’73 with Stoces. Each article that appeared of Stoces, was written by Jos. When Stoces wanted to sell some late youngsters, Jos already started to write down all pedigrees. On demand of Filip’s father in law, a true gambler, Stoces didn’t sell in public but Jos, Filip and Filips father in law bought the complete round of late youngsters. These were equally divided among both brothers and the father in law. In winter, the father in law already dumped all of his Stoces-pigeons to Jos and Filip and he told them: ”So many pigeons, that’s too much work”. In total, 124 direct Stoces came to Halle-Booienhoven. About 20-tal survived the strong selection.
In the mean time, life went on. Filip became father of 5 children, he became ombudsman in Diepenbeek, later on 1st alderman, taught in high school and he searched to sell pigeons on an independent base via Michel Vanlint (Zoutleeuw, BE) – 在台湾。在82年,他离开政治和'84,他带着没有支付给成为一个全职的鸽子代理假期。在那一刻,他有5个孩子上学,谁曾在大学工作36年的研究都在一起。他去日本一个“父亲Scheutist”,谁在太阳升起的土地没有为模具25年宣教工作,在他的包里只有几地址和图片。全家人不得不帮忙的鸽子。 “他们必须知道这些钱是从哪里来的”,菲利普提到。


It all begins and ends with good pigeons. A strong selection, next to good care-taking and a good loft, is one of the most important elements towards success. Filip soon found out that not each pigeon can become a champion but Jos held on to a pigeon much easier. You have to get the good ones where they are: Stoces, Schellens, Soontjes, Clerinx and more recently Leo Heremans). This provided them with cracks, as well on the breeding loft as on the racing loft, which grew out to become true icons within the pigeon sport. Nowadays, everybody all over the world, still remembers names like the Ieverige (BE75-5239278), Nationaal I (BE86-6260314), Fenomenale (BE99-5118824), King (BE91-2086940), 155 (BE91-6371155) and more recently Filip (BE03-2101107) and Yvan (Be07-2103401). Another successful strategy is buying pigeons of their own origins elsewhere if they score well.


比利时名将(BE12-6123310):1E纳特。王牌猪KBDB小MD 2013
A new rising star is Belgian Star. As a youngsters, he already won 3 victories: 1e Soissons 400 p; 1e Melun 251 p; 1e Toury 179 p. In 2013, he added another 5 victories: 1e Orleans 1.187 p; 1e Pithiviers 683 p; 1e Orleans 570 p; 1e Orleans 263 p; 1e Nanteuil 247 p. Hereby he became 1e Nationale Ace-pig KBDB Little MD. Belgian Star was one of the survivors of the 2 rounds of youngsters they bought with Leo Heremans, of which 2 other supers too. The grandfather on father’s side of Belgian Star is the Jan (Be02-6113220), 1e Nat. Ace-pig Youngsters Ave Regina 2002, 2e Nat. Ace-pig Yrl. Ave Regina 2003, 2e Nat. Ace-pig Old Ave Regina 2004. On mother’s side we find the Rossi (BE04-6073655), another super pigeon with Heremans, which won among others 1e Quievrain against 2.508 pigeons.



The Herbots Brothers also moved on with their time. For several years, they use the system of total widowhood. To avoid the hens to pair, they have to stay in the open aviary during the day. Here they sit really close to each other so they don’t get the opportunity to pair. The cocks stay on little shelves on the racing loft. In the morning, on the day of basketing, these shelves are taken away and the boxes are opened and then, the hens and the cocks can stay together for about an hour and they can do whatever they want. Afterwards, the hens are taken away. The pigeons are fed several times and just before basketing, the hens can go into the corridor in front of the racing loft.
他们还照顾好食物。那些必须每周飞+赛跑鸽子 - 400公里处,恢复是非常重要的,在这里的超级飞行是一个非常好的产品。对于那些有兴趣的人,这是从来没有过到老学到老,我们给予每周计划。他们使用的混合物是企业Beyers的。
周日:50%考夫曼+ 50%盖比与蛋白质和4级机油+ Topfit在饮用水。
周一:用药/ Bronchofit在水中100%盖比。
周二:用药/ Bronchofit在水中50%库普曼+ 50%盖比。
周四:100%考夫曼+ 10%玉米克里布斯。
直到去年,青少年(+ - 200)由推拉门系统由同一系统鳏夫播放。在2014年,一个舱将在守寡播放,另一个在巢。



1E箴言。王牌猪KBDB重MD。她赢得了其中1E INT中的奖品。省阿让1.732磷; 1E INT。省拉苏泰尔兰1.712磷; 1E INT。省BOURGES 3.271页。


乔治(BE11-2186246): 9E纳特。王牌猪KBDB重MD。他赢得了1E皮蒂维耶1.897磷; 1E的Argenton 1.346磷; 1E沙托鲁1.191页。
YVA(BE12-2177058) 第一亚精顿1.417磷;首先,地下732页。


伊冯娜(BE11-2186136) 1E伊苏丹1.382磷; 1E图里299页。


324岁:1-2-3-4-5-15-17-22-35-36-38-40-41-53-61-74-80-81-82-83-88-89-90-91 -104(57分之25)
400 YRL:5-11-21-36-43-58-68-75-77-78-83-86-102-109-113-114-115(17/43)
170 YRL:2-3-4-5-6-8-10-14-16-21-23-24-25-27-29-33-35 47-48-50-51-56-57(23 / 40)
165岁:1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-11-14-16-18-19-20-21-23-24-25-26-27-29-31-34 -35-37-42-43-44-47-51(31/58)
高田贤三(BE04-2116092): 1E纳特。王牌猪小MD KBDB '07。他赢得了1E图里701磷; 1E图瑞624磷; 1E图里298 p ...


蓝Stoces(BE05-6231037)1E奥运王牌MD多特蒙德2009年,1E NAT。阿让5.208页。 7×1E奖金。


伊凡(BE07-2103401) 1E纳特。王牌猪KBDB MD 2009年4纳特。王牌猪KBDB重MD 2008年他赢得了1E INT。省萨尔布里2.281磷; 1E INT。省奥尔良3.132磷; 1E INT。省图里781 p.raced与贺伯特
菲利普(BE03-2101107): 1 NAT。王牌猪BDS青少年。 1奥运猪MD波尔图。 1E箴言。王牌猪KBDB 2003年所有回合他赢得1E INT。省奥尔良2.767页。培育和贺伯特赛跑
马格南(BE2228064-07): 3纳特。王牌猪MD Duivenkrant 2008年他获得了5纳特。 Ç布日,6纳特。 Ç盖雷,7纳特。 ç拉苏泰尔兰品种和贺伯特应变Nationaal我和儿子奥林匹亚赛跑


皇家王子(BE2192064-10): 曾获5纳特。亚精顿,46纳特。布日,50纳特伊苏丹,71纳特沙托鲁(菌株编号1,景 & 女王)。培育和贺伯特赛跑







1E纳特。王牌猪。小MD 2013 KBDB
1E纳特。王牌猪MD 2009年KBDB
1E纳特。王牌猪MD 2005年KBDB
1E纳特。王牌猪MD 2000 KBDB
1E纳特。王牌猪MD 1999年KBDB
2E纳特。王牌猪MD 1998年KBDB
2E纳特。王牌猪MD 1992年KBDB
3E纳特。王牌猪重MD 2012 KBDB
4E NatAce猪项目Cbdb资讯2003
4E纳特。王牌猪重MD 2008年KBDB
5E纳特。王牌猪小MD 2013 KBDB
5E纳特。王牌猪MD 1996年KBDB
5E纳特。王牌猪MD 1995年KBDB
5E纳特。王牌猪重MD 2007年KBDB


奥运猪猫。 H.尼特拉2013
奥运猪MD 2005年波尔图
奥运猪MD 1997年巴塞尔


1E纳特。冠军。 MD 2009年KBDB
1E纳特。冠军。重型MD B.D.S. 2005年
1E纳特。冠军。 YRL 2008年KBDB
2E纳特。冠军。青少年C.C. 2011
2E纳特。冠军。最佳阁楼L.C.B 2009年
2E纳特。冠军。重型MD老 & YRL B.D.S. 2006年
2E纳特。冠军。 MD B.D.S. 2000
2E纳特。冠军。 MD老B.D.S. 2004年
2E纳特。冠军。 MD B.D.S. 1998年
3E纳特。冠军。最佳阁楼L.C.B. 2012
3E纳特。冠军。 MD和LD青少年B.D.S. 2006年
3E纳特。冠军。 MD青少年B.D.S. 2004年
3E纳特。冠军。青少年KBDB 2003
4E纳特。冠军。 YRL KBDB 199
5E纳特。冠军。 YRL 2003 KBDB




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