In MAY 2020 - by Dr. Peter Boskamp…

Jungtaubenkrankheit – further findings

If you talk about youngsters today like that in many cases you can immediately talk about young pigeon disease. It has now become the rule that young pigeons apparently without Except for a young pigeon disease. It It is believed that several factors play a role in this disorder. For example, various viruses play a role, including bacteria and stress, e.g. by getting into the basket for the first time (whether with or without already infected pigeons). In short, we cannot identify just one trigger.

A lecture by the veterinarian was interesting Rubbenstroth on the occasion of the veterinary meeting during the DBA in Dortmund. He explored together with the University of Hanover scientifically what role that Rotavirus can play in this. You deserve the utmost respect for this research.
The results from this research will certainly be published in a technically sound manner at a later date. However, it seems that there is a causal link between infection with the rotavirus and the occurrence of young pigeon disease. Infections with this virus seems to persist in the pigeon loft and in pigeon baskets for a long time. This should be taken into account.

Rotavirus has been around in pigeons for a long time known. Little attention was paid to it. But now it has come into focus since it was in Australia had a severe outbreak with massive deaths. Retrospective studies have shown that in old Test material “mild” strains are present. Since In 2016, the virus seems to be getting more aggressive and causing bigger problems in the youngsters.
We ourselves have in the spring of 2018 considerable mortality seen in our region, although no rotavirus was found, but more often combinations of the herpes virus with the circovirus or the adenovirus and the circovirus. I I therefore think that for the time being we should still be cautious when it comes to indicate young pigeon diseases solely as a result of rotavirus.

I don't underestimate the rotavirus has become more aggressive in recent years. The However, young pigeon disease has been recognizable as such for many years, while in 2016 only mild variants of the rotavirus were detectable. It cannot be ruled out that rotavirus already existed before 2016 was part of the young pigeon problem, just like adenovirus, paramyxovirus, Herpes virus and circovirus. In addition, play Bacteria play a role as a companion to the problem.

In practice we hear more and more often that the problems with the young pigeon disease are less, especially there where breeders oppose their pigeons twice Get herpes and paramyxo or even herpes paramyxo and adeno vaccinated.
If the cause of the young pigeon disease exclusively a contamination with the Rotavirus, these strokes should also have problems as the virus is common is found in apparently healthy pigeons.

In any case, it seems that more Factors must be present in order to have an outbreak of young pigeon disease to evoke. Which is absolutely not beneficial if the health of the Microbiome is neglected.
By microbiome we mean that Set of living organisms such as (bacteria, viruses, protozoa, yeasts and fungi in the intestine, which there maintain an ecological balance and more or live together less peacefully.
The latest findings that developed through research into microbiome health undeniably to the importance of healthy bowel function and a healthy microbiome. A disturbance of Health balance in the gut soon leads to host disease. The host's body appears to be highly dependent on the nutrients be that the microbiome produces. In pigeon racing There is still a widespread belief that antibiotics panacea for all ailments.

Everything is primarily with good research connected. No blind cure with antibiotics. We ourselves offer a product called Sambucca-plus, while we are waiting for the results of laboratory tests and initially only the already strong treat infected animals with medication. For a loss of fluids to avoid severe diarrhea, we will be happy to provide you with electrolytes Disposal. The targeted treatment is based on the Laboratory examination and antibiogram initiated. Oddly enough the complaints are still improved in a significant number of cases before the targeted treatment has to be claimed. We are therefore beginning to conclude that the administration of Antibiotics, especially in viral infections, is counterproductive, especially if this were possible by natural means.

There are only a few pigeon fanciers who strive for this paradigm shift. Those who do, however are suddenly convinced that the lack of alternative antibiotics in recent years is simply wrong was.
There is still a lot to be done here.

What can we summarize?

Young pigeon disease is a disease with many causes. Although symptoms can be the same in all cases, the cause can be very different.
To structurally solve the problems with viral infections, a real solution is likely to be available only if vaccines against the various causes of the discomfort are available.
Antibiotics for viral infections do little to solve the problems. Viruses are not sensitive to antibiotics.
The often heard comment “If it doesn't hurt, it won't do any harm”, by those who have used antibiotics for years, is now completely obsolete.

Healthy Microbiome

In the previous it was mentioned that health of the microbiome is very important for keeping young pigeons healthy. For the Developing a good and healthy microbiome is providing Absolutely no antibiotics. It's like little kids preferable that they should not receive antibiotics before the fourth year. If possible, this also applies to young pigeons in their first year of life. Young Pigeons have yet to develop their immune systems. For this it is important that the Immune cells come into contact with as many inhabitants of the microbiome as possible, so that they can learn that these residents are not dangerous. Is a Microbiome well developed, the inhabitants live together in symbiosis. This Symbiosis ensures that optimal building materials are produced for the host be able. New research shows that humans and animals are partly due to the Substances are dependent on the microbiome for proper functioning functioning of the body are produced.

By giving the pigeons at a young age Administering antibiotics, they not only deprive the pigeons of the chance of one optimal ripening, but they can also be assured that important Nutrients are produced to a lesser extent. The latter does not benefit the condition of the pigeons. Not that the pigeons get sick immediately, not that. But whoever acts like that also opts for less optimal health.

This can lead to the optimal status is not achieved for the microbiome in question. In At a time when pigeon racing is top sport, this can make all the difference turn off.

We see several very good breeders coming before stopped using antibiotics in young pigeons for a few years have, and develop ever stronger pigeons. In the clinic I will often asked why the pigeons are so sensitive to infections of all kinds these days Act. Breeders often say that they believe that there are always new infections come. However, things are more nuanced. As the researcher Rubbenstroth in found in his study that rotavirus was present in young ones much earlier pigeons available. They could be determined in random samples from the year 2000 will. However, these viruses did not cause any problems. The mixing with the Australian variant virus that causes a large number of deaths were, has led to an increase in problems in recent years. All These viruses are likely to attack breeders who have their Give offspring far too many antibiotics, causing the entire microbiome is weakened. Because viral infections often only get one chance which they take advantage of under conditions favorable to them. We see that when basketing for the training flights. Two days later you see problems with the pigeons. The stress factor influenced by basketing the pigeons can be, contributes to the outbreak of young pigeon disease. Bump often enough we with adenovirus or rotavirus on pigeons that look very healthy. alone Circumstances in your own loft do not cause problems. The necessary stress factor is absent.

By optimizing the quality of the microbiome the young pigeons get additional opportunities to meet the challenges to cope better with young pigeon disease.

However, these symptoms are not always present, affecting at least half of the pigeons. But the growers who start antibiotics right away will never know. They think it's because of the antibiotics they're giving. Practice shows that many of these cases can also be resolved with electrolytes and Sambucca plus without having to tap into the microbiome immediately. Veterinarians who want to make money mainly from selling antibiotics will be inclined to say that this disruption of the microbiome in pigeons is not relevant. I also read these outdated statements from these doctors. But now people with real knowledge know better. It is not for nothing that the authorities want to limit the excessive use of antibiotics, as this poses a threat, including to public health.

In the years to come, the various options that can improve the health of the microbiome, get more attention from general medicine and veterinary medicine. Great progress has been made here, especially in the USA.

In summary it can be stated:

* An insight into how the Microbiome has led to the realization that excessive use of Antibiotics have the opposite effect in the longer term.

* Viral diseases come with a moderate level functioning microbiome more likely.

* If possible, a limited, individual treatment of sick animals at an early stage in combination being much more effective in the longer term with a more natural approach.

* Prevention is better than cure and that Optimizing microbiome health helps reduce disappointment.

Good luck!


Her Peter Boskamp

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