The new RÖHNFRIED Courier 2020 has arrived…

Fresh wind for the brand Röhnfried ...

This year is not only a very special year for the Röhnfried brand, but also for me personally. In September we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Röhnfried brand with a festive ceremony, the 60th anniversary of the Dr. Hesse Tierpharma celebrate and I myself look back with gratitude on 15 years at the head of this company. When I came to Hohenlockstedt a good 15 years ago, I had known Röhnfried as a breeder for a long time. Even as a competitor - although not as a direct competitor, because the focus here was more on the preparations and I was responsible for the Ovator mixed feed at the Muskator works in Düsseldorf - I already perceived the Röhnfried brand as a successful, globally active brand. The use of Röhnfried products by reference breeders was the focus at the time. Many sports fans were and are looking for a holistic plan and not individual "fragments". With our strong Röhnfried brand, we have developed a comprehensive care plan for you and have been explaining exactly why we recommend what, when and how ever since. Today, our focus is also clearly on strengthening immunity, improving the ability to regenerate and reducing the risk of infection. A goal that we achieve very successfully with natural, functional supplementary feed. But anyone who knows the pigeon business knows that in Western Europe the number of breeders is declining sharply. A very existential threat for our company, which specializes in carrier pigeons. A crossroads that called for new paths and solutions.

New ways and a new logo

As a first step, we decided a few years ago that we would focus fully on our core competence, the pigeon business, and go where the pigeon sport is of great importance. In the first step, Eastern Europe, then Asia, especially China, where the world's largest marketplace has developed today, and the Arab world, in which we are very active today. Supported by our great Röhnfried Racing Team, which represents our brand worldwide. In the second step with changes that are visible in the redesign of our logo: The flying dove in the logo worked very well for carrier pigeons alone. With Röhnfried we also address other target groups, such as breeders of show pigeons, hobby poultry farmers, rabbit keepers and more. In addition, we see that ever greater demands are being made on an individual approach. Reason enough to develop an "icon" as a brand image that will work in all media and for all animal species. Röhnfried as a strong umbrella brand for a broader target group.

The pigeons being as intangible heritage

Incidentally, the breeders of our Röhn-fried Racing Team, which is famous far beyond national borders, are not only figureheads for us and our products, but they are also representatives of the high level in the carrier pigeon business. They stand for sustainable animal health, clear rules in terms of animal welfare, responsible animal transport and much more. That is why it fills me with great joy that the carrier pigeon system was included in the list of intangible cultural heritage in North Rhine-Westphalia last year, even if our way into the nationwide list - for the time being - has still been denied. A path that will not only contribute to recognition and perspectives in the international environment, but also provides the basis for economic stability.

Stay weighed us!

Her Alfred Berger

Here you can download the new Courier Röhnfried 2020…(click)

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