In March 2020 – by Dr. Peter Boskamp…


Let me first tell you that the name Pestkop not mine was invented. That honor Gert-Jan prey, the that name had written on a note with a pigeon fancier, which he had advised an appointment with me for the investigation of his problem pigeons to agree. This lover also asked me the to investigate pigeons on Pestkop. I asked him what this was the man after which replied “Well, your bacteria.” Now, of course, it's not my bacterium at all. I accidentally got this bacterium from a German breeder in 2014 found. This man had, in his own words played badly for years with few successes with the widowers and even less with the youngsters. Every year has been disastrous for the past six years, he said.

After seeing his pigeons had examined and just like the large number of colleagues he had in these 6 years had visited, had found nothing, I advised him a carry out a bacteriological examination. The man then showed me one Series of results showing that more over the years Antibiotics were administered as combined in my practice. strong means, easy means, combinations that you can not imagine. The man had tried all possible means in vain and nothing had helped. In fact, it only seemed to get worse. Also was in all investigations carried out found nothing. I could imagine, that it was a frustration for the breeder. He was disappointed when he tell me heard that I didn't know what the pigeons had either. He had driven far and expected more. Whether he could see the found trichomonads. To this I didn't always have my camera on. Just like other pigeon doctors thought me too that this was not necessary. We pigeon doctors thought we could see everything if we only use the microscope without a screen.

Nothing could be further from the truth be distant. The trichomonads were as points on the Screen to see. The breeder then asked me if I can magnify the image. No sooner said and done. Then opened my eyes for the first time that we have pigeons doctors may overlook all something essential by not have always worked with the camera screen.
I am now of the opinion that the Pigeons research without a screen and camera not only completely missed Opportunity is but an incomplete investigation.
A good pigeon research requires a microscope camera and a screen.
Why? these bacteria  can with the naked eye under the Microscope can not be seen. To see them be able, the contrast capability of the camera is required.

When we the bacteria were found, We found that breeders, where old birds below average were, but breeders, in which the young much more than usual in the Power subsided, often had pigeons that more or less support this Germs were.
Once we had come so far, we could actually many breeders help get rid of their problems, as we heal specifically against this germ and the necessary measures take to prevent the germ comes back. Knowledge is just power.

It then took us two years to find out the true name of this germ. Initially, we were raised by the labs the wrong way, which meant that a lot of time was wasted unnecessarily. Using DNA technology, it turned out to be the germ Pseudomonas aeruginosa type ATCC 10143. This germ was kept coming back determined by DNA testing. This is important to know. After all, there is more than 200 different Pseudomonas bacteria. This germ is traditionally called considered quite harmless, as it is a so-called optional pathogen bacterium acts. That is, a bacterium that occasionally causes diseases can cause. All veterinarians learn during their studies that we Germ does not need to pay too much attention, since having a healthy body can handle this germ. When one of these species lands in a dog's ear, there is a high risk for the animal, a chronic one for life getting an ear infection. People undergoing chemotherapy can also die from infection with this germ.

So this germ is not always so harmless. That depends on the circumstances. A extensive use of antibiotics in the long term promotes survival of this germ because it is susceptible to so few drugs.

In practice we only see few sick pigeons by this germ. This is probably also the reason why little or no attention has been paid to this bacterium. Pigeon doctors mainly focus on diseases. The pigeon sport however, has become a top sport, and a germ that guides influenced, therefore, can be a big problem for the pigeons during races be. Looking back we can say that the name Baytril® as a panacea once established because it was active against that germ at the time. No only pigeon doctor found the germ, but we knew that Problem pigeons benefit from Baytril®. So we didn't really know why but it helped. But then that was it. In many cases, Baytril® is against this germ has become practically ineffective. In fact, we are increasingly seeing this germ with breeders who work wastefully with Baytril®. Or with that Polish variant. Something that has happened increasingly in recent years. In general it can be said that this bacterium by using strengthened by means that are not effective against this germ.

Breeders not participating in the use of this Participate means, the bacteria are nevertheless through the drinking water in the get travel baskets.
Where Baytril® long time as Panacea was used because the underperforming pigeons are back in Unfortunately, this is often not the case, or is still the case. At least if you have the misfortune, this tyrannical bacterium to have with the pigeons. In other cases, of course, you can change the effect of the drug see. fair is fair

Not every Pseudomona is therefore a problem for pigeons. Just like any salmonella in pigeons is no problem. There are more than 500 different ones Salmonella, but only one that poses a problem for the pigeons. This is the Salmonella typhimurium variety Copenhagen. The same applies to the Pseudomonas, it seems. For the pigeons we have almost only found the type mentioned above.

Most are increasing Colleagues, with the exception of a few lost pigeon doctors, more or less by convinced of the possibility of the existence of this germ. But As is so often the case, new insights are often gained before they are accepted. Some other interests then slow acceptance for long time. Money then comes before science.

About this germ and its true meaning little is known about the pigeon sport. Alles this still requires thorough research. Who knows, maybe it will happen someday.
I remain critical myself against this germ. The mere fact that this bacterium is found in pigeons that come home much too late or in found disoriented a short distance from the loft where this bacterium is present should not automatically lead to the conclusion that it is the only one cause of this misery. It seems However, that when this germ is brought under control, the problem also contributes the pigeons is over. However, it could also be that this bacterium is a marker for another cause that causes these problems caused.
However, the fact is that if Pigeons have these problems and this bacterium is found causing the problems can be solved with targeted healing.

In the meantime I saw a result at a breeder that showed that the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Utrecht had also identified the bacterium. In Germany a university is planning to start a study. It will be like this gradually taken more seriously. It's time for that too.

What I think is the cause of the more frequent occurrence of this bacterium? Yes, too wider use of medication. It is not surprising that the doctors who are trying to use antibiotics promote marketing point of view as far as possible, against the existence of this germ are. Logically, as the sales of their resources harms that are not normally or hardly help it. This does not serve the pigeon sport.
However, it should be to medicine Pigeon racing turn and not about as many drugs as possible to sell.
All this pantomime about this Bacteria reminds me of a statement my grandmother made in the past, as she fretted again about important things that remain under the rug had to. The educated man who said to the cleric: "If you keep them stupid, we'll keep them poor." Refusing the Existence of this germ is therefore very similar.

So there are practically no antibiotics, that act against this bacterium. The giving of funds “against the head” or “for the gut” without thorough Research can often in the long run the problems in the presence of Pseudomonas aggravate. In these cases there is a short-term Improvement, since other germs that are also present are fought, what then leads to this improvement. But that solves the real issue problem not. In this way, one gets the idea that it is no longer possible without medication and one of all these glasses and bags with no lasting effect. Short then the breeders usually come back with the same problems confronted.

A thorough investigation. Targeted healing and resistance support provides a lasting effect.
But who said again: “A healed patient is a lost customer”?

Be one of the breeders who do you have to give medication over and over again in order to continue participating? Do you also think that it is no longer possible without medication? A thorough examination and the correct diagnosis can Convince them otherwise.

Good luck!


Her Peter Boskamp


We offer:

  • Control of your pigeons and veterinärmedizinische support
  • Parasitological examination (including Coccidiosis, worms, etc.)
  • Bacteriological examination (including salmonella, E. coli, etc.)
  • Viral investigation (including Paramixo, adeno etc.)
  • Goiter smear and Cloaca dash
  • Vaccinations (u.a paratyphoid, smallpox, Paramixo)
  • Mushroom study
  • Blood tests
  • Fertility treatment
  • Operations
  • Autopsien
  • Intake and observation
  • Faecal samples investigation; samples can also be sent to

If you use our clinic for If you want to consult investigations, we recommend previous ones appointment. Then we can give ourselves enough time for optimal Take support and respond best to the problems.

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