In JULY 2024 – by Dr. Peter Boskamp…

I just want to discuss the types of worms found in our regions happen. The worms commonly found in pigeons are nematodes like the Roundworm or hairworm. The tapeworm is a cestode and that Pigeon bones to the trematodes (fluke worms). Worm infections become still regularly detected. What strikes me is that I... Invitations to pigeon clubs to examine the pigeons on site are common There are many breeders with worm infections. Especially if the check is done immediately after the flying season takes place. The mutual infection in the baskets is usually very strong. We can then often determine that the performance level of a club as a whole can be disappointing. Worm eggs can develop during hold within and outside a field for a long time. That's why it's at Worm infections it is always advisable to have regular feces checks carried out.
The roundworm (Ascaridae columbae)
Infections with this type of worm occur regularly. Beats this one Those affected can regularly have problems here. This is what happens, among other things. because The area around the blow usually also remains infected with worm eggs, which then can be picked up again by the pigeons. Or through the breeder be carried in so that the pigeons can become reinfected again. At In the case of serious worm infections, it is sensible to do the blows regularly to burn out.
The adult roundworm lives in the small intestine and is about 3-7 cm long. The female roundworm can lay thousands of eggs. These eggs are not visible without a microscope. The worms have a direct cycle. This means that no intermediate host is required, which is the case with tapeworms, for example.
After the female has laid the eggs they are not infectious. In a warm and moist environment, these worms are only after 10-14 days infectious. Infection in the baskets as the principle is only possible if these are not properly cleaned and disinfected after the flights. A pigeon absorbs worm freshly laid eggs in the basket, this have happened already the bowel before they are contagious.
If a pigeon ingests infectious worm eggs, they emerge in the pigeon's intestines. The roundworms live in the pigeon's small intestine. The larvae that emerge from the eggs crawl towards the mucous membrane of the intestinal wall where they nest. The larvae shed their skin several times in the intestinal wall. These first larval stages are not sensitive to existing dewormers. That's why a worm treatment should always be repeated before these larvae, which were not yet sensitive, have grown up and can produce eggs themselves again. The period between the infection and the moment that the adult worms can produce eggs again is called the prepatent period. This lasts around 30-40 days for roundworms.
Pathogenicity and clinical manifestations
The harmfulness of roundworms is related to the pathogenicity
Ability not that bad. Nevertheless, we are allowed to get an infection
Don't underestimate roundworms. Some roundworms can affect the condition of the
Lower the pigeons a little. Because pigeon racing has now become a top sport
You cannot afford to leave a worm infection untreated. The
Roundworms eat with the pigeon, so to speak, and take some of the minerals,
Vitamins and trace elements of the host. Of course there are others too
Food substances. However, the reduction in the availability of microfood is
This is sometimes the reason why pigeons have a harder time dropping their down.
In the case of severe infections, the pigeons lose weight and their condition is lost.
The pigeons then tire more quickly. Diarrhea can also occur
the feces first become like porridge. Either way the pigeons will attack
The immune system is also more sensitive to other infections.
Sometimes a pigeon can even die from a severe worm infection. The
can happen when there are so many worm eggs in the intestine that an intestinal obstruction occurs
Pigeons that are stuck tend to have more problems with worms. It is possible that the racing pigeons are more likely to decide to have one Have a stool test done. It is best to put pigeons in an aviary Grid so that they cannot come into contact with the feces. On Dovecotes themselves should not be forgotten about corners and crevices as soon as one Worm infection was detected. As I said, if it is determined Worm infection in addition to treating the pigeons also burned out the loft become. Disinfectants don't help much with a worm infection. It is It is advisable to moisten the soil and the crevices first and only afterwards Burn.
Worm eggs can tolerate cold and unfavorable weather conditions well. At
In moist heat the development takes place even faster and becomes the
Infection can spread more easily.
There are various remedies for combating roundworm infections. An old
Warning needs to be repeated here. Febendazole (Panacur) is a dewormer,
which can result in dramatic feather damage if used during moulting
becomes. This should then be avoided!
Other worm medications that work well are based on Levamisole and Febantel
created. Personally, I prefer the remedies based on flubendazole. At the
best an individual treatment.
Avermectins are also used as a combination agent against both worms
Ectoparasite used. Most often these funds are based on ivermectin.
These remedies are still quite effective. There are variants that work well
skin are absorbed. These usually have a better effect than that
Drops that are also suitable for injection. Personally, I advise against
Avermectin-based products should be used during the flying season, as the
This drastically destroys the shape of the pigeons.
The hair worm (Cappilaria obsignata)
In addition to infections with Cappilaria obsignata, infections with Cappilaria caudinflata reported. This worm is only 1.8 mm long and is therefore not noticed in the feces. It lives in the intestinal wall and is much more damaged than that Roundworm. A pair of hairworms are already able to improve the condition of the pigeons to totally undermine and destroy the form. As with roundworms, have to The eggs of the hairworm also first undergo maturation, preferably in one moist and warm environment. The eggs are under microscopic examination easy to recognize this by the presence of bipolar polar caps. Already The presence of just a few hairworms can be the reason for one severe emaciation of the pigeons, loss of fitness, less down and diarrhea. Performance declines. In the case of a severe infection, it can occur after one Treatment takes a long time before the pigeons regain sufficient condition and condition have built up body mass. Peak performance occurs after a severe hairworm infection no longer expected in the short term.
Cappilaria obsignata has a direct cycle. The worm is not species-specific. Chickens and pheasants can also be a source of infection for pigeons. Cappilaria caudinflata does not have a direct cycle. The earthworm is the intermediate host for this. The hairworm eggs can be infectious after just 8-10 days. This is a little faster than roundworm eggs. The prepatent period is also slightly shorter, namely 21-28 days. This should be taken into account for the second worm treatment. We don't want the new worms to produce eggs the second time we treat them.
In general, pigeons should not be treated for worms during moulting or during the breeding season.
Much luck !
Peter Boskamp