Eckhardt and Thorsten Schröter: "Atletico" WINS regional victory in largest competition

Eckhardt and Thorsten Schröter: "Atletico" WINS regional victory in largest competition


On the 24.05.2014, the regional association of 402 Dortmund held its first regional flight from Neumarkt with 369 km. 594 traveler hits use the highest number of pigeon in Germany for this weekend with 15.711 pigeons. The father son brought with her 01373-11-614, who needed a flight speed of 1267 m / min, a bravurösen victory community Eckhardt and Thorsten Schröter. Who in his pigeon fancier life times as a great victory ("against 594 beats") enjoy was allowed, which can understand the emotional state of these two sympathetic farmers. It was a dream weekend for the Dortmund breeder with 32 prizes from 41 gesetztenTauben. You can see the performance of 01373-12-614 "Atlético"exactly where so it is apparent that his great victory was not a fluke. Young 6/5 and during the year 13/10 with a 2nd, 4th and 14th price show that he is great in the position. Father is cooking from the old consolation/Renz line King by Joop, the mother is a daughter from the Super breeding couple 359 x 154 from several top pigeons were bred.

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It is to be seen what 2014 community still will bring the season for the father son, it has already achieved a personal highlight.

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