TaubenMarkt September 2014

TaubenMarkt September 2014

deaf marketable title sep 2014


Dear readers and readers,

It's time again – the season is around. For me personally, it was the 53(!). In the summer of 1961, I started at the young tour to travel with pigeons. And must instinctively always remember. Pigeon sport active in 53 years happens plenty. Because we make an illustrious company of pigeon fanciers. What but never has me in all the decades to ears, the sport friend Heiner wrote me Eberhardt from Dieburg. The process is so outrageous that he should be much to make us all think. The late of 1940s there was a Wild West film titled "The attack on the gold express", more a smile story as emotionally moving. But in the below described attack, laughter passes one. Read yourself:
"Information about the process of fact ' attack on pigeon transporter"’ by last weekend. The pigeon transporter was on the night of the 02.08. to the 03.08.2014 on the race course at Landau in close to a gliding course. The driver slept already Ralf Wilhelm and his companion. Wilhelm was woken up by the noise of the vehicle. When he left the vehicle to see he was immediately jumped on top and thrown to the ground. The attacker, this was probably on the side wall of the vehicle, multiple hit Wilhelm. Wilhelm received a Gash on the head, multiple abrasions and an injury to the knee. His co-driver was awakened by the noise. When he got out, he saw Wilhelm lying in his light underwear on the floor. He was immediately attacked, was able to flee back into the vehicle cabin. From there, he called the police. They could locate on the nearby gliding bib at a Club Party then 2 suspected offenders, young people aged between 15 and 17 years of age. Her parents were also present. The perpetrators had already broken the inlet valves of 28 baskets on the vehicle and caused damage. "Pigeons are not leaked, the liberation could be carried out in the early morning."
As far as the sport friend Eberhardt. I don't want to overdo. But our drivers must avoid now lonely race courses or with other vehicles together form a wagon? Apparently there is no respect for a certain group of people more health, way of life and the property of other people!
But now to more pleasant topics. Because the 25th int. Deaf market already casts its shadow. On page 5 we have put the programme of events for Saturday, October 25 and Sunday, the 26th October 2014, in the Kassel exhibition halls along the for you. On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Organizer Uwe Kreutzfeldt has a few surprises for its visitors with security back ready, which we come to speak. The taking place during this major event traditional auctions of high-quality young pigeons of international top punches are not surprising. But they certainly contain surprises with regard to the participating beats and the young birds drawn by these extra for Kassel. Keep in this issue. Both auctions this year under the motto "something for everyone are!"

Be something for everyone is likely at the other pages of this edition from TaubenMarkt / the pigeon sport. We report inter alia on regional flights with high participation from the Ruhr area and the flights of international long distance both from the Southwest and the Southeast. This also applies to two international flights of the grandstand. Once out of Southwest Europe, Portugal, and even from South East Europe, Greece. Both were a huge success for the organizers as well as the participating pigeons - especially German -. For me, it is also a certain satisfaction if you cannot objectively determine this.
In diesem Sinne – Kassel rückt näher – und “Freiheit im Taubensport“!


Brockamp sep 2014 Boskamp sep 2014 Beyers sep 2014 Vanrobaeys sep 2014 Vanrobaeys2_sep 2014 Roehnfried1_sep 2014 Roehnfried2_sep 2014 Roehnfried3_sep 2014


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