In September 2024/2 – by Dr. Peter Boskamp…

As I write this, the racing season is almost over and we can fully support the pigeon moulting.

During this time, good liver function is important and that's why my pigeons are receiving the Bony Basic-T this month. It is a tincture made from 23 herbs that has a cleansing effect and supports the liver. In addition, Bony Bonichol is regularly found in drinking water. Taken together, this procedure is enough to help the pigeons through the moult very well and to give them good new plumage.

I have previously provided information on this, but the issue remains current and may become increasingly more so as 5G in the Netherlands was increased from 2100 megahertz to 3500 MHz on July 10th. Ultimately we need to go to 26,000 MHz once 6G is in use.

The losses among the young pigeons were also enormous this year. Many breeders were bothered by the fact that a (large) proportion of the young pigeons did not return to the loft. There are stories of breeders from the north of the country who started with more than 250 young birds and two weeks ago had 69 left.

Not normal.

In the past, and I'm talking about before 2008, they bred 100 youngsters and 80 remained. Now 100 are bred and at the end there are 20 left. Since then, the losses among the boys have steadily increased.

Of course, like all other veterinarians, I initially looked for causes of the losses. There is also. We can cite, for example, a herpes infection or a bully infection as the cause of significant losses, but also the ornithosis complex or severe trichomoniasis. Many “good” breeders at the time said that those who had lost many young were obviously not taking good care of their young. This may play a role in some cases, but I found it to be too easy most of the time. But now it is also affecting those breeders who used to say this themselves. So the cause partly lies somewhere else.

What I am writing now is a personal opinion and there will be many breeders who want to banish it straight into the realm of fables. That is allowed. Everyone has a right to their opinion.

I heard that from a German breeder a few years ago. He thought my opinion was nonsense because he knew a pigeon fancier who had two radio towers nearby and still played very well with his pigeons. Last year this breeder came to see me again and before he even walked in he said that there must be “something” true about my story. He told me that for many years he had left his 90 or so young pigeons on a hill, then followed them as they flew through the valley, then watched them cross the next hill, and then they were almost home. This worked well for years, but last year it went completely wrong. The pigeons flew into the valley as usual, but at one point they seemed to fly into a wall. Some of them moved to the left and some to the right, and some landed on the roofs and stayed there for about 20 minutes. Then they flew low to the ground over the hill. “Do you know what’s changed?” he said. They had set up a 5G mast on the next hill. Then he told me that he hadn't seen any significant number of his pigeons again that day.

Coincidence? Or is there more to it than that?

About 7 years ago I purchased a professional EMF meter. German engineers state that a value above 1120 microwatts per m2 can already lead to deviations in the DNA. This is a very low value that no one notices. The WHO has set the limit at 100,000 microwatts per m2. At this point I was able to measure about 800 microwatts in my home and about 21,000 microwatts on my patio. We have such a mast 100 meters away. There was a reading of 21,000 under the trees. If you measure specifically at the mast, you can easily get 86,000. I easily measured 130,000 or more at various places in the village. Once even 422,000.

I now measure 43,000 on the terrace and 60 to 80,000 near the smart meter without any problems. Our cell phones can also benefit from this. In short, we live in a world full of radiation. And this radiation is increasing. For example, in Maastricht I was able to measure values ​​of 570,000 and 630,000 in places. In one place 893,000. These are significant values ​​that are well above the WHO standard. That should be clear. But if we are not sensitive to it, we notice little or nothing of it.

Not us. But what about our pigeons?

It is well known that there were always poor pigeon flights during televised competitions in Spa. The older breeders still remember it. Radiation is not everywhere, but there are places that the pigeons try to avoid or fly towards Timbuktu out of fear, never to return. There is also the story of a fancier who brought his pigeons to the same place no less than 19 times. According to him, the pigeons could dream the way. Casualties were minimal, he said. There was great disappointment during the cabin express flight when about a third of the pigeons failed to return home. The pigeons were not sick. Had experience on the way home and yet….

There are countless stories like this. I always hear that there are breeders who have no problems at all. I think so too. I spoke to a very good breeder about this and suggested that we may need to feed the pigeons antioxidants. The man smiled and said he had been doing this for 15 years. Finally, radiation is oxidizing. And pigeons, which have plenty of antioxidants in their “Baggage” may be able to tolerate more radiation than borderline pigeons. We wanted to test that now. It turned out that these substances at least had a shape-promoting effect. Nevertheless, there were losses. Maybe not so much.

So there has to be more to it.

I am now of the opinion that the orientation of pigeons and other birds is disturbed by this radiation. What we are also seeing is that more yearlings can be lost. I assume that not all pigeons react equally sensitively to the same radiation exposure. That there are individual differences. A yearling that is less sensitive to radiation and has flown well as a youngster may, due to an increase in radiation exposure (700 MHz a few years ago and now 3500 MHz), end up in the danger zone as a yearling and not be able to find its way home. It is possible that there are also breeders who live near radio masts and now have pigeons that can withstand a dose of radiation better.

It is possible that over time we will all just breed less sensitive pigeons and the problem will no longer exist. But given the ever-increasing radiation pressure, this will take some time. It is possible that disasters could even occur, such as on the motorway near Amsterdam, where hundreds of starlings dropped dead a few years ago. The myth was spread that this was due to “acute bird flu”. Anyone who wants to believe it can. A large 5G mast could be seen in the background of the photo of the dead starlings. I had to be in the area shortly afterwards and measured 135,000 microwatts there. Perhaps the value was even higher at another time. After all, I recently measured values ​​of up to 893,000 microwatts per m2 without any problems.

I emphasize that this is a personal opinion. But who wants to reject it? It has now been scientifically proven that radiation should not be underestimated. The publications on this have already appeared. I only tell this story to convince people that they should not always resort to medication because it is not always a disease in animals.

Ihr Dr. Peter Boskamp


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